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TMOU White List

Indonesia Masuk Kriteria White List Tokyo MOU, Sebagai Pengakuan Dunia terhadap PSC Indonesia


Indonesia's entry into the Tokyo MoU White List is a world recognition of Indonesia's Port State Control (PSC) while increasing the world's trust in the aspects of shipping safety and security in Indonesia and making ports in Indonesia can compete with other countries' ports in the world.


"Assessment of the performance of the ship's flag by the Tokyo MoU Port State Control Committee is carried out by binomial calculation method accumulated over a period of 3 years at the same time," said Director General Agus, in Jakarta, today Monday (3/5/2021).


View the entire article here.


IMSAS Pre-audit Training

JAKARTA - Demonstrating its commitment as a member of the International Maritime Organization (IMO), Indonesia through the Ministry of Transportation - Directorate General of Sea Transportation continues its active role in preparation for the upcoming IMO Member State Audit Scheme (IMSAS) in 2023, having previously also participated in voluntary Audit (VIMSAS) in 2017.


"Based on the experience of following the VIMSAS Audit that has been followed, we know that a thorough preparation is needed regarding the materials to be audited and the extent to which the audit will be carried out, given the large number of IMO instruments, along with the procedures," said Director of Shipping and Seafaring, Capt. Hermanta, at the opening of the show.


View the entire article here.

Sudah Banyak Dilakukan KPLP

Director of the Marine and Coast Guard Union (KPLP), Ahmad revealed recently sar action or rescue conducted by his party is related to the sriwijaya air crash SJ182 Jakarta-Pontianak route.

Ahmad recounted, KPLP patrol boat KN Trisula P-111 who first found fragments of aircraft parts in the form of emergency stairs. This is the starting point for determining the location of the crash in the Thousand Islands...

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